Category: Volunteer Opportunities

Opportunities to get involved and take action!

Red, White, & Blue Raised Hands


The 45th District Democrats is completely run by volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to get involved! We have openings across all our committees and need your skills and talents.

Pound the Pavement in the 8th CD

This year, we have the opportunity to replace the utterly unresponsive and unaccountable Dave Reichert (R) in the 8th CD with Shannon Hader (D), a well-educated, hometown candidate who has experience leading a successful, large-scale government agency for positive change. We believe Shannon is in the best position to defeat Dino Rossi (R) AND is best suited to hit the ground running as a congresswoman. And even better—our fellow Democratic organizations agree. The 11th, 25th, 30th, 31st, 41st, and 47th District Democrats have given Shannon their sole endorsements in this race, as have the King County Democrats and the National Organization for...

File for PCO by 4 p.m., Friday, May 18

Whether you’re thinking about becoming a precinct committee officer (PCO) or you already are one, this week is your only chance to become an elected PCO for the 2019–2020 election cycle. Filing is fast, easy, and free, but you must file before Friday, May 18, at 4 p.m. All you need to do to file is verify that your voter registration is up to date and provide some basic contact information.   Learn more and file for PCO   If you’re on the fence, here are just a few good reasons to become a PCO: Special Voting Privileges—Only PCOs get to...

We want YOU to volunteer in the 2018 caucuses!

The 2018 caucus season is coming! On March 24, we will gather to elect delegates to the state convention; adopt a platform; consider resolutions; and hear from candidates for office, including 45th LD state House and Senate seats and 1st and 8th CD House seats. Volunteers Needed! Our legislative district caucus is entirely volunteer-run and that means we need your help! One standing committee and four temporary committees will be organizing caucus activities: Communications, Events and Logistics, Credentials, Rules, and a Platform Committee. For the most part, these are short-term volunteer commitments, just through the March 24 LD caucus. We have...

What will you do to flip the Senate?

We have a monumental opportunity this year to shield Washington state from the chaos of the Trump administration. We can elect Manka Dhingra (D) and flip the Senate. We can empower our state to protect immigrants and other marginalized communities. We can preserve reproductive rights and healthcare access. We can expand workers’ rights and ensure economic gains go to everyone, not just the 1%. We can defend the environment and fight climate change. We can establish a true blue state where all people are valued and no one slips through the cracks. But we can’t do it without you. As...

Last chance to GOTV for Manka Dhingra (D)

Ballots are due this Tuesday by 8 p.m.—we need your help to get every last vote we can for Manka and progressives all the way down the ballot! In off-off years like this, especially in the primaries, a handful of votes really can be the difference between candidates who value public schools, aim to address climate change, and support vulnerable communities advancing and candidates who, well, don’t! If you haven’t voted yet, check out our endorsements and helpful links for submitting your ballot. We’ll wait here. All done? Filled out, signed, and turned your ballot in? Great! The next biggest...

2017 Special Election is Key to Democrats Taking Back the State Senate

45th District Democrats Endorse Manka Dhingra for Senate Redmond, WA: On Wednesday, April 5, the membership of the 45th District Democrats unanimously voted to endorse Democrat Manka Dhingra for their State Senate seat, up for special election this fall. Before calling for a vote, Endorsements Chair Dave Williams informed the crowd “Manka shares Democratic progressive values down the line” and “Since announcing in mid-February, she’s raised about $200,000, virtually all of it through individual donations, and none from corporate or PAC interests.” The meeting room filled with cheers and applause as the final tally to endorse the Senior Deputy Prosecuting...