2017 Reorg Meeting Agenda
One month from today, we will be reorganizing the 45th District Democrats for 2017-2018. The reorganization will take place at the same time and in the same venue that we hold our regular monthly membership meetings: 7 PM on the first Wednesday of the month (January 4th), at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center.
Please plan to attend our reorganization meeting – especially if you are a precinct committee officer, because you are the representative of dozens of Democratic households in your neighborhood. If you’re not there, your neighbors end up going unrepresented.
As the name suggests, the purpose of a reorganization meeting is to choose new (or affirm existing) leadership of a party organization. The Democratic Party reorganizes itself at every level following the conclusion of an election in an even-numbered year. The counties and legislative districts go first, and the state party follows suit once the counties and districts have chosen their state committee men and women. The reorganization meeting is also when party organizations adopt (or readopt) bylaws.
The following positions will be up for election Wednesday, January 4, 2017:
- Chair
- First Vice Chair
- Second Vice Chair
- State Committeeman
- State Committeewoman
- King County Democratic Central Committee Representative – Male
- King County Democratic Central Committee Representative – Female
- King County Democratic Central Committee Alternate – Male
- King County Democratic Central Committee Alternate – Female
- King County Young Democrats Representative
- King County Young Democrats Alternate
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Only PCOs elected in the August 2016 Top Two election (and still residing in the precincts where they were elected) may vote for the first eleven positions. All members in good standing of the 45th may vote for the positions of Treasurer and Secretary.
The proposed agenda is as follows:
- Call to Order by Temporary Chair
- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of Rules for Reorganization
- Credentials Report
- Overview of Election Process
- Election of new District Chair
- Adoption of newly revised Bylaws
- Election of all other officer positions
- Opportunity for visiting candidates and elected officials to speak
- Adoption of Endorsement Rules for 2017-2018
- Appointment of new and returning committee chairs
- Membership Update
- PCO Appointments
- Legislative session preview
- Treasurer’s Report
- Good of the Order
- Adjournment
If you have a question about the reorganization meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Find out what to expect at a reorg and how you can help.