Registration is now closed.
Wear blue or your favorite political t-shirt and help us kickoff the opening night of the Democratic National Convention on Monday, August 17, 5 pm – 8 pm. We’ll be getting together online to chat, interact, engage via Zoom and Twitter – while you watch the broadcast on your television or favorite device. We’ll be giving away GrubHub gift cards for free pizzas and cool prizes. This will be a two-screen experience. You control the broadcast; we make the experience interactive.
We will start with a pre-show hour of video chat. Engage with us online, as we learn about convention plans and hear guest speakers. Our intent is to serve the membership and be inclusive of diverse, young people, first time voters, and teens in the 45th. Let’s show them some welcoming 45th Dems spirit!
You can stream the convention here, or view on television!
Scroll down to read Joe’s Story, sign up to volunteer, get email alerts, make a donation to the 45th Democrats, and see some of the cool prizes you can win at the Watch Party!
Scroll down to check out some important links we’ll be pointing to during the Watch Party!
Create Your #DemConvention Profile Image for your Twitter account!
Check out our profile frame generator and update your social media picture with one of our many fun frames.
Phone Wallpapers: Take your convention spirit with you on-the-go!
Zoom Backgrounds: Make the most of staying-at-home and show off your convention spirit with these Zoom backgrounds.
You can download all these fun images for your social media accounts and Zoom background from the DNC’s Digital Toolkit!
Read Joe’s Story, download the Team Joe App, and create your own Team Joe Graphic.
Here are some prizes you can win! Thanks to our members for their donations!
Downloadable Minecraft Resource Pack with Accessories
And before you go…..
Please consider making a donation to the 45th Democrats.
Are you on the 45th Democrats’ email and events list? You can sign up here.
Interested in volunteering and training? The 45th Democrats’ sign-up page is here.
For your Action! Important Links:
How to Register to vote in Washington State:
What can Teenagers Do To Help with Black Lives Matter