Category: New Member Resources

Legislative Action Tools

Kate Dunn with our Legislative Action Committee has developed a new bill tracking tool to help you follow where the bills we care about most currently stand in the Washington State Legislature. Our bill tracker also includes bills tracked by the League of Women Voters, for a well-rounded view of what the Legislature is up to. With our bill tracker, you can filter by issue and subcategory or search by bill number. Click through on any bill to get more detailed information and a link to the state’s GovTrack site, where you can read the bill text, view roll calls, contact...

45th District Democrats: News & Blog

Washington State Legislative Process 101

New to the Washington state legislative process? We break it down for you below. Legislative Session Basics Washington has 49 legislative districts, each with two representatives and one senator. Terms are two years and four years, respectively. Each legislative cycle is two years long. The regular session begins on the second Monday in January. In odd-numbered years, such as 2017, the session is 105 days. In even-numbered years, such as 2018, it is 60 days. Extraordinary (or special) sessions can be called by the Governor to address specific issues, usually the budget. Each special session is limited to 30 days. Bills introduced in an...