Author: Melissa Waldie

King County Prop. 1

The Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Program The King County Prop 1 Levy represents the fourth iteration of the The Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services program (“The Program”). It started in 2006 and was expanded to include seniors in 2018. The Program serves the following three groups: According to King County, more than 27,000 veterans, service members and their families were served since 2018 for our county of 2.3 million people. The Program: Various government assessments show that each of the three supported groups have worse health and economic outcomes than the general population. Research and our past experience link...

How To Write A Resolution

A resolution addresses a current specific problem or opportunity. It should include a call for specific action aimed at identifiable public officials. The resolution’s message should be consistent with the organization’s platform, or at least not inconsistent with it. Implementing or applying the platform is fine, but remember that a resolution must amount to more than a statement of a platform provision. Sample Resolution The accompanying sample resolution, “Constitutional Rights for People, not Corporations”, is presented here are an example of good form: Style Notes: Sample Resolution Constitutional Rights for People, not Corporations WHEREAS the U.S. Constitution, as amended, prescribes...

45th LD 2023 Legislative Action Accomplishments

Gun Safety HB 1240: RESTRICT ACCESS TO ASSAULT WEAPONS Semi-automatic assault weapons have been used in the deadliest mass shootings in the last 10 years. This bill ensures that Washington became the 10th state to ban the sale of these military-grade firearms across all of our communities. This is a victory years in the making and one that will ensure that assault weapons are not sold in Washington state. HB 1143: IMPLEMENTING A 10-DAY WAITING PERIOD AND MANDATED SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL FIREARMS This bill requires safety training and a 10-day waiting period to purchase any firearm...