2021 Election Endorsements

These are the candidates endorsed by the 45th District Democrats. Candidates or ballot initiatives with a * next to their name were on the summer primary ballot (mailed July 14, vote by August 3, results official on August 17).

Click here to review the guidelines for how we move through the endorsement process in our meetings in an auditable, user-friendly, electronic way.

Click here to view the printed Endorsement Guide for the August 3 primary.

Click here for a list of volunteer opportunities to support these candidates.

Click here to see the official primary results from King County Elections, including an interactive tool to drill down into results at the precinct level. The top 2 vote getters advance to the General Election in November.

Washington State

Advisory Votes #36, #37, #38: Vote MAINTAINED

King County — Countywide Ballot

Charter Amendment #1: Votes Yes
Charter Amendment #2: Vote Yes

King County — Council

Position 1: Rod Dembowski

Website: vote4rod.com

Position 3: Sarah Perry *

Website: electsarahperry.org

Kirkland City Council

Position 1 :Jay Arnold

Website: votejayarnold.com

Position 3: Penny Sweet

Website: sweetforkirkland.org

Position 5: Neal Black

Website: votenealblack.com

Position 7: Jon Pascal

Website: jonpascal.com

Redmond City Council

Position 2: Janet Richards

Website: janet4redmond.com

Position 4: Melissa Stuart *

Website: electmelissastuart.com

Primary results: Melissa Stuart 60.31%; Dennis Ellis 32.91%; Jackson Fields 6.47%

Position 6: Tara Van Niman

Website: taravanniman.com

Sammamish City Council

Position 1: Amy Lam

Website: amyforsammamish.com

Position 3: Nazir Harb Michel

Website: electdrnazir.com

Position 5: Kali Clark

Website: electkaliclark.com

Position 7: Karen Howe

Website: electkarenhowe.com

Woodinville City Council

Position 1: Michelle Evans

Website: michelle4woodinville.com

Position 3: Robin White

Website: robin4woodinville.com

Position 5: Sarah Arndt

Website: arndtforwoodinville.com

Position 7: James Randolph

Website: james4woodinville.com

Northshore School Board

Position 1: Jackie McGourty *

Website: votemcgourty.com

Primary results: Jackie McGourty 51.76%; Elizabeth Crowley 24.37%; Brian Travis 13.37%; Michael Albrecht 10.28%

Position 4: Sandy Hayes *

Website: sandyhayesforschoolboard.wordpress.com

Primary results: Sandy Hayes 54.95%; Chris Roberdeau 25.34%; Katya Bautista 19.44%

Position 5: Amy Cast *

Website: amycast4nsd.com

Primary results: Amy Cast 41.61%; Amy Felt 28.49%; Jasmine Lee Fry 15.21%; Angela Chapman 14.23%

Port of Seattle

Position 1: Ryan Calkins

Website: ryanforport.com

Position 3: Hamdi Mohamed

Website: hamdiforport.com

Position 4: Toshiko Hasegawa

Website: hasegawaforport.com

Lake Washington Schools

Position 4: Mark Stuart

Website: Markstuart4education.com

Kirkland Municipal Court

John Olson

King County Superior Court

Andrea Robertson

Website: judgeandrearobertson.com

King County Proposition No. 1 Levy: Best Starts for Kids *

Website: kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/initiatives/best-starts-for-kids.aspx

Primary results: Approved 62.77%; Rejected 37.23%