Message from the Chair

Fellow Democrats,

A lot is happening in the 45th in the rest of April; check out the sidebar for dates and activities. The sharing of information in the 2021-2023 era is constantly updated, and we are sharing these changes in our public and member meetings. Please register, attend, and participate with your vision. Our volunteers work very hard to make PCO workshops and Think & Drink discussions available, accessible, and welcoming.

Also, membership please check your 45th LD email for instructions and links sent out on April 15 for review of proposed changes to the Bylaws, Enforcement Procedures, and Conflict of Interest policies. The email will be resent the week of April 19th.

Remember to renew/join the 45th LD under the Donate tab, if you haven’t done so already.

Please register for the May 5th meeting – registration is open now via this link. We will have Roger, Larry, and hopefully Manka as our speakers for the second half of the meeting. Bring your questions; it should be very informative!


Linda Jenkins (she/her)

Chair, 45th District Democrats