2019 45th District Reorg—What to Expect and How to Help

reorganization meeting runs a bit differently than a typical membership meeting, including specific times when voting is restricted to specific groups. Because of this, you will see some differences in how people are signed in, credentialed, and where they sit. Here are some of the differences you can expect to see:

Sign In and Credentials

Everyone attending the meeting is required to sign in. There will be three categories with specific credentials and, if appropriate, ballot packets. The categories are as follows:

  • Current Elected PCOs (Precinct Committee Officers)
    • Filed to run for PCO in May 2018 and were elected in the August 2018 primary. If you’re not sure if you were elected as a PCO for 2019–2020, check here.
  • 45th District Democrats members in good standing
    • Current members who paid dues for 2018 are recognized through January 31, 2019.
    • New members must have paid dues for 2019 at least seven days in advance of the meeting (Jan. 2). Become a member or renew your membership.
    • PCOs for the 2017–2018 cycle who were not re-elected as PCOs for 2019–2020 and were not also 2018 paid members must renew their paid membership at or before the reorg meeting in order to vote as members; 2017–2018 PCO terms and memberships ended at the beginning of December 2018.
  • Guest attendees


To enable the most efficient possible collection of ballots and counting of votes, there will be separate seating areas depending on your credentialed status.

  • Elected PCOs
    • The front seating section will be reserved for elected PCOs. As they are the only people allowed to vote for the first several board positions on the agenda, having a separate area for these voters will make ballot collection and tallying faster and more efficient.
  • 45th District Democrats members in good standing
    • The second seating area will be reserved for people who are 45th members but not elected PCOs. These people will be allowed to join the PCOs in voting for treasurer and secretary toward the end of the meeting.
  • Guests
    • The remaining seating will be for guests. Guests are not eligible to vote. Guests may be asked to move if there is unexpectedly high turnout.

What Can I Do to Help?

  • Arrival—Please arrive by 6:45 p.m. Arriving early (especially elected PCOs) will help with both arranging seating and completing the credential report without delay. This meeting will take longer than normal for everyone to get signed in and credentialed; there will likely be lines at times. Planning for this in your arrival time and bringing your patience will help everyone. Please also remember not to enter the building before 6:30 p.m., per our rental agreement.
  • Respect the seating areas. For instance, if you are part of a couple and you each have separate statuses—if one of you is an elected PCO and the other is a member—you will not be able to sit together. We appreciate your help with this for the duration of the meeting.
  • VOLUNTEER! There are lots of moving parts to the reorganization meeting and help is always appreciated. If you’re interested, please complete the form below. Here are some areas where volunteers are needed:
    • Set up and clean up—Setting up seating is always welcome. Volunteers for set up need to arrive promptly at 6:30 p.m. Clean up volunteers should plan to stay until 9:30 p.m.
    • A/V set up—A few volunteers with experience using A/V equipment would be appreciated to help set up a projector and audio equipment. A/V volunteers should arrive promptly at 6:30 p.m.
    • Sign in—A couple of volunteers are desired to assist with sign in and credentials distribution. Elected PCOs will only be able to volunteer up until the meeting begins, so factor that into your decision to volunteer for this position. Sign in volunteers should arrive promptly at 6:30 p.m.
    • Ushers—We will need a few volunteers to help PCOs, members, and guests find seating in the correct area, answer questions, and possibly act as runners for the organizers, if needed. Ushers should arrive around 6:40 p.m.
    • Tally committee—Tally committee volunteers will gather ballots and count votes. Elected PCOs and officer candidates should not volunteer for this position as it may require them to be out of the room at critical times. Tally volunteers should arrive around 6:40 p.m.

View the proposed meeting agenda.

View the proposed meeting rules.

View the proposed bylaws revisions.

View event details, offices up for election, and candidates.

Learn more about the leadership team positions.