45th District Democrats Call for Eastside Plastic Bag Ban
Resolution Inspired by 5th Grader’s Earth Month Experiment
Redmond, Wash.—May 12, 2018—On Wednesday, May 2, the membership of the 45th District Democrats adopted a resolution in support of expanding Kirkland’s plastic bag ban to the Eastside cities of Duvall, Redmond, Sammamish, and Woodinville.
Shawn Roland and his 10-year-old son, Jeremiah, presented the resolution. The pair were inspired to take action by an Earth Month challenge at Jeremiah’s school, Horace Mann Elementary. The challenge? Refusing to use single-use plastics for 30 days. The Rolands shared that the challenge was tough, but important.
According to the Earth Day Network, each year, 4 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide and only 1% are returned for recycling. 32% of plastic packaging we produce flows into our oceans, where it poisons and injures marine life, eventually making it back into our food supply in the form of microplastics. The plastics that do make it to a landfill can leak harmful pollutants into our watersheds.
Redmond City Councilmember Hank Margeson attended the meeting and spoke in opposition to the plastic bag ban resolution, raising concerns about Hopelink’s need for donated grocery bags.
Several others spoke in favor, including Annette Hamilton, a Kirkland resident. “When the plastic bag ban rolled out in Kirkland, plenty of people worried it would cause all kinds of problems, from having fewer bags to pick up after pets to having to carry armloads of groceries to cars. However, people adapted within a few months, and now carrying our own shopping bags or pet waste bags is second nature.”
On Friday, May 11, in response to this resolution, City Councilmember Jason Ritchie announced his support for a plastic bag ban in Sammamish.
The full resolution can be viewed and downloaded at 45thdemocrats.org/bag-ban.
About the 45th District Democrats: Our organization works for progressive policy and a diverse, engaged, educated, equitable, and healthy Eastside. We make endorsements, organize events, and support local, state, and national candidates and ballot measures. Washington’s 45th Legislative District includes all of Duvall and Woodinville, plus portions of Kirkland, Redmond, Sammamish, and unincorporated King County. 45thdemocrats.org
For photographs and other media assets, contact communications@45thdemocrats.org.