Message from the Chair

Over 6200 copies of the printed 45th Endorsement Guide were mailed, and we succeeded in moving all of our endorsed candidates but one (Tarik Hassane in Sammamish, who stepped out before the primary) to the General Election in November. [Click here to see the full list of endorsed candidates and the official primary results.] The work, strategy, and energy involved in bringing candidates to the race and then watching them cross the finish line could not happen without you and the work of our Endorsements Committee, who spent countless hours researching and interviewing candidates on our behalf. Thank you!

Democracy is designed as a feedback loop. Voters choose leaders. Leaders govern. Voters judge the results and either return the leaders to power or give their opponents a chance. As we move towards the November races, there will be many opportunities to be involved in the 45th and individual campaigns. Many opportunities to contribute towards every candidates’ top ask – volunteer hours! An equal access participation opportunity.

We must continue reaching out to voters in the 45th during an election year (primary turnout across King County was only 34%). We need to better understand voters for whom we have little data. There are likely Democrats who did not vote in the primary – we need to know why. We must register likely Democratic voters who have been purged from the voter rolls by the Secretary of State’s office – and register non-registered voters. It is one way we can introduce the value of our organization and share our Democratic platform with our community. This work can only be done with your help (we’ll provide the training and scripts).

Thank you for attending our meetings, participating, initiating change, and being a voice with your vote. The 45th wants to offer opportunities to all our members who would like to contribute in ways that have not been addressed. Please reach out via

In Solidarity,

Linda Jenkins (she/her)

Chair, 45th District Democrats