2016 LD Caucus: Registration Form
- Click THIS LINK to access the Caucus pre-registration form.
- Fill out the form in your browser
- Print the form
- Bring it with you to your LD Caucus at Juanita High School on Sunday, April 17, 2017
If you have recently updated to Windows 10 and are using the new Microsoft EDGE browser, you will need to open the form directly in Adobe Acrobat Reader* (instead of your browser) if you wish to fill out the form electronically. Otherwise, you can download/print the blank form and fill it out by hand.
Microsoft Edge Users: Filling out the form in Acrobat Reader:
- If it is not already installed on your computer, download Adobe Acrobat Reader by clicking HERE.
- If it doesn’t open automatically, open / start Acrobat Reader on your computer.
- CLICK THIS LINK to open the Pre-registration form in your browser.
- Once in the form, right-click and choose “Save As…” to download a copy of the form to your Desktop.
- Within Adobe Acrobat Reader, choose File > Open and navigate to the Pre-registration form you downloaded to your Desktop in Step 4.
- Fill out the form, then print it and bring it to your LD Caucus
* Adobe Acrobat Reader is a FREE application that allows you to view Acrobat pdfs and fill out Acrobat forms electronically.