Agenda: Monthly Meeting – March 2, 2016
Please join us at this month’s General Meeting of the 45th District Democrats:
7:00 – 9:00PM
Old Redmond Schoolhouse
16600 NE 80th Street, Redmond WA
6:35 Set up & Socialize
7:00 Call to Order, Flag Salute
7:05 Welcome Visitors (Jeanne Large)
7:10 Visiting Officials & Candidates
- John McHale, Nicole Gaines— King Cty. Sup. Ct.
- Eric Laliberte, LWSD Board
- Cyrus Habib, Karen Fraser—Lt. Gov.
- Tina Podlodowski, Sec. of State
- Jeff Sprung, State Auditor
7:35 KC Committeeman Election (Dave Williams)
7:40 Call for Volunteers
- Membership chair, KC committeeman alternate
7:45 Chair Appoints Endorsement Committee Members
- Duane Wentz, Sheila Hoff, Gerry Williams, Dave Williams
7:50 Endorsement Procedure Revisions (Andrew Villenueve)
- Discussion and vote for approval
8:05 2016 Pres. Precinct Caucuses (Priscilla O’Leary)
- Area caucuses leaders & precinct chairs
- Recruit precinct chairs & trainings
8:30 KC Democrats Financial Com. Report (Robin Barnes)
8:40 Treasurers Report/Expenditure Request (Kathleen Reynolds)
8:45 NW Progressive Institute Spring Gala: Friday, April 1
8:50 Camp Unity (Robin Barnes)
8:55 Good of the Order
9:00 Adjourn