Message from the Chair
Fellow Democrats,
March will be busy, and we need help to ensure that the Caucus that is taking place on Saturday, March 26th starting at 10 am will be a success. Past Caucuses have been held in person, and we all have memories of those. This time the 45th LD will be virtual, and the committees are already working behind the scenes as the State Party shares updated Caucus information with us daily. Please keep checking our website for updates. We will try not to overburden you with too many emails, but you will hear from our Credentials Committee, and opening those emails is essential if you want your vote to count on the day of the Caucus.
Now is also the time to start thinking about participating in our State Convention – no cost to attend – on Saturday, June 25th. The State Party (they have a formula) has given us the numbers for the 45th representation: 26 Delegates and 13 Alternates. The Delegates will be elected at the Caucus by 45th members and will have the opportunity to be on the State Platform, State Rules, or State Resolution Committees. All Democrats residing in the 45th can run for Delegate – no membership or experience necessary.
All Delegates will have the option to attend either virtually or in person (Tacoma). The 45th will be posting an “Intent to Run” form on the 45th website and sharing it on social media soon.
The 45th is an all-volunteer organization, and your help is needed to share our Caucus date (March 26th) and encourage others to run for Delegate. This year will open opportunities to those that cannot attend an in-person State Convention with ease by giving the choice of virtual attendance – I am not sure if this will happen in future State Conventions.
Welcome to our newly redistricted 45th Democrats, and welcome back to those that remained in the 45th after Redistricting!
Cheerio to those leaving the 45th for other districts – every LD on the Eastside is led by solid Chairs who work hard to make a difference; you will be in good hands and please offer your time to elect Democrats in our community. Many hands make light work.
In Solidarity,
Linda Jenkins (she/her)
45th District Chair