Track The 2022 Legislative Session

Don’t blink or you might miss it! the 2022 legislative session began on January 10th and will conclude on March 10. The issues on the table for this short session include revenue reform, affordable and sustainable housing, climate, transportation, education, police accountability and healthcare.

The 45th LD Democrats will be posting our Legislative Priorities in early February. Until then, see below for some ways you can stay engaged:

Get Informed — Watch The Legislative Sessions

Watch all floor sessions and committee meetings at

Research — Find Your Bills

Start at the General Legislature Page. Then, look up bill and committee information, agendas, and documents on the WA State Legislature Committee Listing Page.

Stay Informed – Track Your Bills

Create your own tracking list. This link will take you to a log in (or create an account) page, and then straight to the tracking page. From there, just enter you favorite bill numbers to find out their status.

Get Involved – Testify To Committee

Testify remotely or submit written testimony on the bills you care about.