Joint statement by the King County Democrats and 45th District Democrats on death of Senator Andy Hill

King County Democratic Chair Rich Erwin and 45th LD Democratic Chair Ken Albinger released the following joint statement regarding the passing of Senator Andy Hill (R-45th District).

“We are grieved to hear of the passing of Senator Andy Hill. Senator Hill was a devoted father, parishioner, state lawmaker, and community leader entrusted by his caucus with the important responsibility of negotiating with House Democrats and Governor Inslee on state budgets. We appreciated Andy’s willingness as one of our elected representatives to engage us and our legislative action teams on many issues of mutual concern. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife Molly, their three children, and his many friends, and commend them for faithfully supporting Andy during his multiple battles against cancer.”


About the King County Democrats and the 45th District Democrats

The Democratic Party of Martin Luther King Jr. County and of the 45th Legislative District works to elect Democrats who are committed to the party’s core values of freedom, opportunity, and inclusion to all levels of office. King County is home to more than a third of the state’s voters and has a proud tradition of supporting Democratic candidates and progressive causes. The 45th Legislative District is located in the northeastern area of King County and includes neighborhoods in Kirkland, Redmond, Sammamish, Duvall, and Woodinville.