December 4, 2024 General Meeting Agenda

7:00–8:40 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM.
Attend online via Zoom (registration required). This is a Zoom only meeting (there is no physical location for this meeting).

Opening items

  1. Call to order.
  2. Land acknowledgement.
  3. Opening remarks from the chair.
  4. Remarks from elected officials and endorsed candidates.
  5. Quorum report.
  6. Consent agenda [Member vote]
    ○ Approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Link.
    ○ Approve tonight’s agenda.


  1. Final election updates [Stacey D.]
  2. Actions to take given the upcoming national political environment:
  3. 2025 legislative agenda. [Ken A.]
    • Carried priorities from last session.
      • Allow even-year elections to be chosen by counties and municipalities.
      • Keep Our Care Act.
      • Unemployment insurance paid to union members on strike.
      • Fully fund education and amend for simple majorities for school bonds.
      • Increase housing stock and improve tenant protections.
      • More progressive taxation.
    • Please fill out our Google Form or contact Ken at
      • Join the legislative action committee.
      • Sign-up to receive text messages about actions you can take to help advance legislation.
      • Submit important issues for the committee to consider adding to the agenda.


  1. Bylaws amendments [PCO vote]
    1. Motions as per the recommendation of the Administration and Rules committee.
    2. Motions from the floor.


  1. Chair:
    1. Notification of December 30 executive board meeting at 7pm; link.
    2. Re-cap of December 1 social event.
  2. Reorganization committee:
    1. Goals and rationale for this process.
    2. Reorganization timeline.
    3. Solicitation of interest in officer positions and chairs of committees.
  3. Treasurer: Budget and balances.
  4. PCO Support: PCO appointments.
    1. Please apply for appointment of your unrepresented precinct in the 2025-2026 biennium. This will be considered after our reorganization.


Open call for news and announcements from our members and affinity groups.