November 6, 2024 General Meeting Agenda

45th District Democrats
General Meeting, November 6, 2024
7:00–8:40 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM.
Attend online via Zoom (registration required) or physically at Redmond Senior and Community Center room 142.

Opening Items

  1. Call to order.
  2. Land acknowledgement.
  3. Opening remarks from the chair.
  4. Remarks from elected officials and endorsed candidates.
  5. Quorum report.
  6. Consent agenda [Member vote]
    ○ Approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Link.
    ○ Approve tonight’s agenda.


  1. Thank you everyone who helped canvass and get out the vote.
  2. Meet new PCOs and members.
  3. Election status. [Andrew V., Ken A.]
  4. Experience as an election and a ballot box observer. [Stacey D.]
  5. Call for volunteers on the Platform Committee to finish our 2024 platform. [Bryan S.]
  6. None—quick meeting…? �� [Member vote]
  7. Chair: Notification of November 25 executive board meeting at 7pm; link. Reorganization
    timeline. Reach out to me if you would like to be appointed to a committee chair position next
  8. 1st Vice-Chair: Opportunities for ballot curing.
  9. Treasurer: Budget and balances.
  10. PCO Support: PCO appointments.

a. Please apply for appointment of your unrepresented precinct in the 2025-2026
biennium. This will be considered after our reorganization.


News and announcements from our members and affinity groups.