November 6, 2024 General Meeting Agenda
45th District Democrats
General Meeting, November 6, 2024
7:00–8:40 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM.
Attend online via Zoom (registration required) or physically at Redmond Senior and Community Center room 142.
Opening Items
- Call to order.
- Land acknowledgement.
- Opening remarks from the chair.
- Remarks from elected officials and endorsed candidates.
- Quorum report.
- Consent agenda [Member vote]
○ Approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Link.
○ Approve tonight’s agenda.
- Thank you everyone who helped canvass and get out the vote.
- Meet new PCOs and members.
- Election status. [Andrew V., Ken A.]
- Experience as an election and a ballot box observer. [Stacey D.]
- Call for volunteers on the Platform Committee to finish our 2024 platform. [Bryan S.]
Business - None—quick meeting…? �� [Member vote]
Reports - Chair: Notification of November 25 executive board meeting at 7pm; link. Reorganization
timeline. Reach out to me if you would like to be appointed to a committee chair position next
biennium. - 1st Vice-Chair: Opportunities for ballot curing.
- Treasurer: Budget and balances.
- PCO Support: PCO appointments.
a. Please apply for appointment of your unrepresented precinct in the 2025-2026
biennium. This will be considered after our reorganization.
News and announcements from our members and affinity groups.