Message from the Chair
Fellow Democrats,
We turned out a record number of voters in the district, reaching the most voters ever with our Endorsement Guide (21,450 printed, reaching potentially 25,000 voters), texting (26,431 sent), postcard writing, and door knocking. The generous monetary support you have all given as yearly dues, monthly regular donations or participating in our fundraising efforts has enabled the 45th leadership to move with confidence in bringing to you our best efforts, resulting in our best outcomes ever!
Our joint fundraising of the Eastside dinner together with the 5th, 41st, and 48th will continue in 2022 as yet another opportunity to work across LD lines as Democrats. As District Chair’s on the Eastside, we are working towards Redistricting being a success with the implementation of GOTV with King County and the State Party enabling us all to grow the Democratic Party. This cannot be done by a few volunteers, and we hope that PCOs will do the lion’s share of the work in their precincts.
Earlier this month marked the one year mark to go ‘til the mid-terms – phew!
I want to thank everyone who helped to make this year’s elections a success for our District – the mighty few that stood up to be counted left such a good feeling for all determined to succeed to work harder and smarter. The negative news that surrounded us was hard to bear at times but determining that many of us come from a place of assuming positive intent got us through.
This year with the excessive restrictions on publishing our Endorsement Guide we will be looking to the December 2nd PDC hearing meetings to provide comment. If these are meetings you can attend please let me know.
On December 2nd the Commission is seeking public comment on an amendment to regulate digital political advertising disclosure (the proposed amendment can be found here on the PDC website). Written comments are due no later than November 29th and can be sent via email to You can also send email to that same address by November 30th to receive instructions on how to participate in the December 2nd hearing, which will be conducted remotely through video conference and livestreamed at
Democrats also secured historic victories nationwide. Governor Phil Murphy became the first Democrat in nearly 45 years to win a second term in New Jersey. Michelle Wu will be the first woman, person of color, and Asian American to be elected mayor of Boston. Abdullah Hammoud will be the first Arab American to be mayor of Dearborn. The list goes on…the candidates that threw their hat in the ring this election year have been remarkable. Voters want change and candidates campaigned hard for their vote.
October brought the 45th a few resignations in leadership positions, opening several volunteer opportunities:
- Second Vice Chair (elected position also executive board member)
- Volunteer Chair (executive board member)
- Alternate King County Young Democrats Representative (elected position also executive board member)
- Tech Committee Chair
- Fundraising Chair
The mid-term elections, Redistricting, 45th Platform, state convention, membership recruitment, fundraising and in-person gatherings are all on the list as we move from 2021 to 2022. In order for our district to be successful we need a volunteer commitment of two hours per week. Can I put your name on my list?
Enjoy the season of giving and thanking 🙂
Linda Jenkins (she/her)
Chair, 45th District Democrats